Global warming, one of the most significant topics of recent times, is not only affecting nature but also beginning to negatively impact human health. The destruction in the natural world has emerged as a pandemic, catching humanity off guard and temporarily confining everyone's living spaces to just "home."

While we focus on health, sociology, and psychology during these days, we also continue to spend more time at home. The time we spend at home includes considerations of resource utilization. Especially when resources such as water and electricity are used from a single household and extend to the general public, our impact on global warming is strengthened. Therefore, while taking care of our health, it is also essential to use our resources efficiently and economically.

With a few simple yet effective measures taken at home, we can both save money and protect our planet during the long hours we spend at home.

Water, the most crucial resource in today's world where hand washing is of vital importance...

By keeping our taps closed while washing our hands, we save liters of water. Of course, it's not just when washing our hands, but also when brushing our teeth, shaving, and shampooing our hair in the shower, we must ensure that we turn off the water. Additionally, washing dishes in the dishwasher, avoiding unnecessary flushing, fixing leaking taps, and adjusting the water pressure of our showerheads are also effective measures we can take to save water and reduce our environmental impact.

Furthermore, with advancing technology, we are experiencing a revolution in our electronic devices. Many of our devices now have technologies that significantly save energy. However, relying solely on these devices for energy efficiency is not enough.

First and foremost, it is important that all the devices we use in our homes belong to the A energy class. These devices always allow us to save more energy, but energy saving doesn't stop there. By taking a few more precautions, such as using our electrical appliances more efficiently, we can further reduce our electricity bills.

For example, as the weather gets warmer and we start using our air conditioners more frequently, taking a few details into account can both provide the comfort we desire and prevent an increase in our bills. First, air conditioners that have emerged from a long and challenging winter season need comprehensive maintenance, just like any other device. Regular maintenance by a technical service ensures that your air conditioner operates more efficiently and prevents additional energy consumption due to neglect. In addition to general device maintenance, the maintenance of air conditioner filters is also crucial. If you have filters that can be cleaned with water, you should regularly clean them. Cleaning the filters increases the heating and cooling performance of your device. It also prevents the bad odors that dirt and microbes can cause and ensures that the air in the room remains clean.

After a good maintenance, it's time to use your air conditioners correctly. Proper usage of your air conditioners, as well as technical maintenance, will prevent unnecessary increases in your electricity bill at the end of the month. The first thing to consider regarding proper usage is the temperature at which your air conditioners operate. Although everyone's comfort temperature may vary, temperatures between 22-25 degrees Celsius are considered ideal room temperatures. The important thing is to gradually adjust the room temperature to the comfort temperature according to the external temperature. For example, when the outside temperature is 30°C, setting the room temperature to 18°C to cool down quickly will cause your air conditioner to work at a very high performance level, resulting in an increase in electricity consumption. However, if the room temperature is gradually adjusted, for example, first to 25°C and then to 22°C, a high level of energy consumption can be avoided.

Moreover, we can achieve proper energy usage with the following measures for other devices in our homes:

  • Avoid running the dishwasher and washing machine half full, and if possible, reduce the use of the dryer.
  • Do not unnecessarily open the refrigerator door and keep it open for a long time.
  • Regularly replace the filter and dust bag of your vacuum cleaner.
  • Do not iron clothes while they are still damp, and unplug the iron when you finish ironing.
  • Unplug the TV and computer when not in use.
  • Ensure that electronic devices such as light bulbs and sockets used for lighting are energy efficient.
  • Take advantage of natural light as much as possible and keep your lamps clean. Dirty lamps consume more energy.